Tinted Contacts
Contacts: Color Lenses (Video)
Many types of tinted contact lenses are available. They can enhance and even change the color of one’s eyes for cosmetic purposes, for costumes, or provide special effects for the movie industry.
Tinted contacts can make light eyes more blue, green or hazel. They can alter the color of the eyes, such as making brown eyes blue.
Tinted lenses have been used in the movies since 1939. In the movie “Ghostbusters,” actors playing gargoyles wore red contact lenses. Reptile lenses were crafted for the commander in “Star Trek” and white contact lenses were used for the Hulk in “The Incredible Hulk.” Recently, these costume lenses have become available to the general public.
Tinted contacts may also be used to disguise or improve the appearance of an abnormal eye. They can be used to conceal corneal scars, irregular pupils and to hide shrunken, unsightly eyes. Sometimes tinting a lens can make the lens easier for a person with poor vision to handle. These tints are more subtle handling tints.
Contact lenses for the general public, including those with no correction, are considered medical devices. They must undergo clearance for safety by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Color additives used by the manufacturers of costume contact lenses must also be approved for use. Additives in unapproved lenses may be toxic.
Purchase only tinted contacts prescribed by an ophthalmologist, and never share lenses with someone else.
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